Finding the Best Type of Colloidal Silver

By Author | |Doug Godkin
Finding The Best Colloidal Silver - What to Look For?

Could the Best Colloidal Silver Be the Missing Link to Your Best Health?

Is essential that you understand the terminology to recognize the decisive factors in finding the best colloidal silver supplement. Below are seven key characteristics. 

What to Look For When Finding Colloidal Silver

All Natural

When comparing silver liquids or solutions, look for 99% pure silver. There shouldn’t be any additives, preservatives, fillers or other harmful ingredients in the supplement.

Ph Balanced Structured Silver

Our body functions best in an alkaline state—typically around 7.4.  If your body’s pH is lower than 7, it’s acidic. If it’s higher than 7, it is alkaline.  Western diets typically leave our bodies very acidic. When your body becomes too acidic, it can lead to chronic inflammation, which threatens your health.

Uses Structured Water

Lady Pouring Colloidal Silver Drops


Different types of water are used to suspend the silver particles. Common types of water used are purified and distilled. A better choice is structured water. Another name for structured water is “liquid crystalline water.” Structured water is a unique form of water that’s been purified vibrationally to neutralize toxins. Researchers have found that your body absorbs structured water better than it does regular purified or distilled waters.

Structured water bonds with silver, allowing your body to absorb and use it more easily. The silver stays bonded to the water, remaining active longer in your body without building up. To reach an alkaline state, your body needs structured water.

Energetically Charged

The ultraviolet light used in hospitals to kill bacteria and fungus has an energy frequency of 890-910 THz. You can energetically charge silver with the same frequency.

Bio-Active Available Silver

Any part of a supplement that isn't bio-active is wasted by your body. In the case of colloidal silver, only the surface of a particle can convert it to a bio-active form. So it's crucial to have the most surface area possible for maximum conversion to bio-active silver. 

 That’s where nanometer-sized particles are optimal. These tiny particles cover more surface area for better distribution, allowing for the formation of bio-active silver. 

We Make Our Products in the USA

Quality control is essential. Although manufacturing practices can vary widely, wherever they’re located, it’s wise to use caution when considering supplements made outside the U.S.

GMP Certified Stuctured Silver

In addition to making it in the U.S.A., look for a GMP certified silver solution. GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices. To be GMP certified, the manufacturer must demonstrate a strong regulatory commitment and compliance with international GMP standards.

Unveiling the Past: How Silver's History Influences Today's Choices


Silver’s value has a long history—and not just as a financial commodity. 

People have used it medicinally for more than 2,000 years.

Hippocrates, regarded as one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, believed that silver has beneficial healing properties, such as tissue repair and wound healing. He also believed that silver has anti-disease properties.

They believed that silver possesses powerful anti-microbial properties. Phoenicians, for example, stored water and wine in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.

 Fast forward to the eighteenth century, Spanish settlers in the New World put silver coins in their water and milk to help prevent them from spoiling. Silver was used as an antimicrobial treatment to treat wounds and skin ulcers.  It was also used for sutures due to the belief in its healing properties.

In more recent times, silver has even played a role in space

Scientist Examining Silver Solution

NASA uses colloidal silver to purify drinking water. The Johnson Space Center created a generator to do just that. The International Space Station also uses a silver-based waterpurification system.

Manufacturers now use this mineral in many applications and thousands of products, including medical products like bandages for burn victims, and in supplements such as liquid colloidal silver.  As more and more people seek natural solutions and alternatives to pharmaceuticals, research into the benefits and applications of silver has seen a renewed interest. 

What is a Colloidal Silver Supplement?

Simply put, colloidal silver consists of tiny silver particles in a liquid. Manufacturers use it in a broad range of products and formulations, from liquid supplements to topical gels to lozenges and more. People typically take colloidal silver supplements orally.

Consistent with silver’s history, many people today believe in this mineral. 

Although colloidal silver supplement users have reported experiencing many health benefits, the FDA prevents manufacturers from making particular statements. Supplement manufacturers cannot claim that their products can effectively diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, as doing so would classify the  supplement as a drug.

silver supplement that meets these seven qualifications, it’s ultimately up to you to try it out and see if it’s the best colloidal silver supplement for you.