Finally, A simple approach to digestive problems

Suddenly, everyone has become an expert on digestive problems.
Diet plans, supplements, eat this, don't eat that’ programs - we are bombarded with solutions to help our digestive problems to fix and restore the gut.
There is a lot of truth in what we are reading and being told. As well, the information coming from leading doctors and researchers is groundbreaking.
Digestive Problems Let's First Understand Your Gut.
Your gut, also known as the digestive system, is a complex system that breaks down the food you eat. As food enters through the mouth, it begins the process of digestion and passes through several steps. These steps include the small and large intestines, where important functions occur. In the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver help break down foods. This breakdown allows nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The large intestine absorbs large quantities of water and electrolytes and helps remove waste matter and unnecessary substances.
There are substances that your body does not recognize.
In a perfect world, the foods we eat would come from natural sources, delivered from farm to table. However, this is no longer the case, as we experience more over-processing of our foods. Unfortunately, we see a direct correlation between this and declining digestive health problems. Our human bodies were never designed to digest the chemicals used in our foods today. In many cases, the foods we eat in a fast food Western diet contain little to no nutrients at all.
Common illnesses related to digestive problems.
The increase in chemical intake and decrease in food quality have led to a number of health conditions linked to digestive problems and the decline of the digestive system.
A number of health conditions are linked to digestive health:
- Gallstones
- Celiac Disease
- Crohn's Disease
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Hemorrhoids
- Diverticulitis
- Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
- Eczema
It’s possible we may not yet have been diagnosed with a health condition, but are beginning to feel the effects of digestive problems.
Common effects of digestive problems issues include :
- Poor Sleep Quality
- Lack of Mental Clarity
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Sore Muscles, Aches and Pains
When we eat foods containing chemicals and substances foreign to the body, our digestive system cannot process them properly, and they need to go somewhere. What does not pass through the waste system over time slowly builds up in the body and in our fat cells.
These chemicals can cause the stomach to become inflamed or swollen and can contribute to the rapid growth of bad bacteria. The bad bacteria slowly start eroding the lining of the digestive system and as a result we experience the conditions and feelings listed above.
It all makes sense when we simplify the root causes as to what is making us sick.
Now that I know, how do I start making changes?
If you have been researching digestive issues and are wanting to make a positive change, this just may be exactly what you have been looking for!
You see, when the digestive system is sick and overworked, many supplements and diets can have little effect, or in some cases actually make the situation worse.
In many cases, most digestive support programs initially start with probiotics, diet

or drastic lifestyle changes. Although these can be very important, they should not be the initial step in taking the workload off the digestive system.
The body must break down supplements for proper digestion. An overloaded or toxic digestive system may pass new substances through the body unused when faced with the additional workload, resulting in little benefit.
We need to prepare the body for change!
Creating positive digestive support needs to start with balance. And balance starts with helping to take the workload off an already overworked digestive system.
Below we are going to address a unique approach to prepare the body to receive the full benefits of probiotics, vitamins and healthy natural foods.
Resetting Digestive Problems Is Actually Easier That You May Think.
It's not complicated and does not need to be expensive. Probiotic With Added Tumeric
This simple approach has proven to reduce the workload on the body with a simple natural approach.
- Reduce workload on the digestive system
- Cleanse toxins
- Restore Digestive Enzymes
- Make Healthy Eating Habits
- Exercise
Step 1:
Take the workload off the digestive system
pH balanced alkaline structured silver naturally reduces the digestive system's workload and helps balance the gut. Silver in an alkaline state differs from other supplements, as it doesn't metabolize in the body. This means silver doesn't require the body to break it down or create additional workload on the digestive system. 2 teaspoons of pH balanced alkaline structured silver daily is a natural first step to helping cleanse the gut.

Step 2:
Digestive Problems: Support and Cleanse
Good clean water is a staple to cleansing toxins and flushing the body. In many cases most people simply do not drink enough pure water as a part of their daily routine. Water is a staple to good health as it helps lubricate our joints, cleanses toxins, supplies oxygen throughout the body, and has a wide range of natural benefits. In any diet or lifestyle change, drinking the appropriate amount of water is vitally important.
Step 3:
Restore Digestive Enzymes
Probiotics are the digestive enzymes that help break down our foods and naturally support the digestive system. Probiotics have become a staple supplement supporting the digestive system naturally, as well as filling the gap that we are missing in our food sources.
Step 4:
Change up diet and lifestyle
The foods we eat are vitally important to our overall health. As stated in the above paragraphs, many of the foods we are eating contribute to the decline in our overall health. Toxins, chemicals and substances enter our body either through our foods or through our skin (we will discuss skin in another article).
Making healthy lifestyle changes with the foods we eat can make a life changing impact, especially when used in combination with the steps listed above. You see, now that you have started cleansing and resetting the digestive system, as well as repopulating the digestive enzymes with probiotics, the body will better be able to absorb the nutrients in natural healthy foods and use them to fuel the body.
By this stage you should notice that you are starting to feel better, have more energy, are sleeping deeper and experiencing restored mental clarity. Your body is telling you that it is happier!
Step 5:
Many of us consider exercise to be hours in a gym, or running marathons. We look at exercise as something that we have no time for, or something that is unachievable. Exercise can simply feel overwhelming.
Starting to move your body more often can be as simple as standing up instead of sitting, or taking a stroll after dinner. If you work at a desk, set a timer each hour and stand, stretch, do a few squats or jumping jacks. The improved blood flow will improve your digestion as well as stimulating your brain and strengthening your muscles.
You can do this!
We believe that you can take control of your situation and want to help take care of you each step of the way.
Ameo Life pH balanced alkaline structured Silver, and Probiotics.
Formulated to naturally cleanse and restore the digestive system.
Above we discussed pH balanced Alkaline Structured Silver, and Probiotics. These are not your regular silver and probiotic formulations, but a silver and probiotic specifically formulated to assist in resetting the digestive system.
Ameo Life pH Balanced Alkaline Silver Solution is formulated to a level of 7.4 or higher alkaline. Alkalinity is important for the body. In an acidic state, the body can produce bacteria and yeast that are exactly what we are looking to eliminate in the cleansing process.
Ameo Life formulates their silver with structured water, which changes the water molecule's shape. This change allows for better absorption and distribution throughout the body compared to purified or tap water. Structured water is also free of any impurities, heavy metals, chlorine and other harmful substances found in many of today's water sources.
Specific Frequency
Ameo Life Silver is energetically charged to a specific frequency of 910 terahertz, the same energetic frequency that is used in a hospital blue light to combat bad bacteria and neutralize toxins.
Ameo Life Structured Silver will also not build up in the body, metabolize and has no side effects!! Simply the most advanced form of silver available today to support a natural lifestyle.
Patented Process Probiotic
Ameo Life Probiotic is formulated using a patented process to survive the harsh environment of the digestive system for a minimum of 12 hours. In comparison, most probiotics will not survive longer than 1 to 2 hours before losing their effectiveness. Ameo Life Patented Process Probiotic combines the perfect blend of pre and probiotics that have been laboratory tested to survive longer and provide the body with naturally occurring digestive enzymes.
Additionally Ameo Life Probiotic also provides the added benefit of Slippery Elm, Turmeric, Aloe Vera, Psyllium and Inulin to balance the digestive system as well as lubricating the bowels and helping to reduce inflammation. There simply isn't a better rounded probiotic available anywhere to help support the digestive system.
We are here to support you on your journey to discovering a healthier digestive system.