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Spring Healthy Habit Routine For Everyone!

Healthy Habits Bring Great Joy !

I LOVE this time of year! There is so much to celebrate and do during the longer and warmer days! It is a beautiful time of year to start FRESH, before summer starts! Right now, whether you want to admit it or not, there is a lot of weird and scary stuff happening in the world right now that can easily distract YOUfrom taking care of yourself emotionally and physically.

NOWis a really good time to practice some self-care. Disconnect from that noise and live your life…Work on taking care of YOU, so that you feel good, feel strong, and can show up for those you love and show up for yourself. In today’s post, I am keeping it real simple with some self-care tips that I am practicing this new season. They WORKand they make me feel GOOD!Enjoy!

DAILY Movement 

I will keep repeating myself again and again! Just like I need to repeat things for a healthy habit to stick around.  I will continue to remind YOU about moving your body! Warmer temperatures, longer days, it is time to get outside and just move…walk, run, sign up for pickle ball, volleyball, softball, just get out and move.

I never thought I would find so much JOY in walking

But here I am at 43 years old and I am loving it! Who would have thought? And check out all of these benefits from daily walks?!?! Get out and do the waddle…Lucy and I do it daily!

Daily Checklist


I crave the heat, the sunshine, fresh air, and being outside. But y’all already know this about me. Nature is healing and grounding for me and I know how good it makes me feel inside and out, so I take advantage of it as much as possible. And if you need to know WHYyou should be outside more, here are just a few benefits…

Lowers stress levels, leads to better sleep, better decision making, better moods, boosts immunity, Vitamin D level rises, reduces anxiety and depression…I mean this list goes on and on. So get your healthy habit booty out there and soak it all up!

Spring Healthy Habit Beach Walk


Honestly, I never have really done this, but I started probably last month and it is a great way to release my emotions, write down my dreams and goals, and to just put those thoughts on paper, with no need to worry about how it looks, reads, or says. I don’t do it every morning. I do it when I feel like it. Sometimes it is once a week and other times it is two to three times a week, getting closer and closer to a healthy habit rhythm.  No pressure, no schedule, I just do it when it is necessary and that is what works for me.


Acknowledge the NEW season and the changes that it brings with what our bodies need and crave! Warmer days are on the horizon, so it is important to stay hydrated. Different fruits and vegetables are coming into season, so take advantage of that and start adding them into your recipes. Listen to your body…Feed your body…and Feel GOOD!

I have been trying lots of new things this Spring, which is very good for me, because I typically tend to make the same things over and over again, so this Spring part of my self-care is mixing it up! I love that both of these recipes have so many health BENEFITS, they are easy to make, and include Ameo Life Silver Solution!(Shameless plug…I love this brand and I will keep saying it until you all try their products…make sure to us KATIE25 to get 25% of your order…and GO)

Here are TWOAmeo Life Silver Solution recipes for you to try!

Overnight Chocolate Protein Oats

My NEWfavorite post-run recovery meal is this recipe! It is really easy to make and it is jam packed with all the nutrients to help my body recover and to help me feel full and energized. I also love how I can make it the night before and can just grab it after my run. Easy, delicious, and healthy…you’ve got to try it!

Overnight Chocolate Protein Oats


  • ½ c oatmeal
  • 1 T of chia seeds
  • 1 scoop of protein powder of choice (I used Garden of Life)
  • Water + 2 T of Ameo Life Silver Solution(you could also use milk of choice instead of water or even add some yogurt for extra protein)
  • 1 serving of fruit of choice


  1. Mix the first three ingredients together in a mason jar;
  2. Add the water and Silver Solution (add enough water so it cover the oats…the chia seeds and oats really suck up the moisture, so you may have to play around with this a little bit)
  3. Shake it up;
  4. Let it sit overnight in the fridge;
  5. Top with fruit when ready to eat and ENJOY!

Natural Gut Cleanse

Colliodal Silver Alternative - Structured Silver Solution



  1. Cut the fruit into slices and place it into a mason jar with some water;
  2. Let it sit overnight;
  3. Add 2 tsp of Ameo LIfe Silver Solution;
  4. Drink UP!

This is a great, easy, and affordable solution to cleaning your gut the NATURALway! If you want to geek out and learn more about the benefits of a natural gut cleanse, I recommend you go HERE.


The things that bring me JOY are actually really simple things!

Going to my favorite restaurant…The “Old Danger” from The Obstinate Daughter brings me so much JOY!

Organic Pizza

Long walks on the beach with Lucy…

Curling up in bed after a long day and reading a good book…I am currently reading this book. Follow me on Instagram, where I share all of my book reviews in my IG stories. I really do look forward to being able to unwind at the end of the day with a book. It allows me to escape all the chaos!

One of My Favorite Book's

Enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend after yoga…

Buying flowers from Trader Joe’s…

Sitting on my porch in the sunshine, just soaking up this beautiful life, that I’m so blessed to live in!

Happy Spring Friends!

